An ECTN for your shipment to Cotonou – Benin?
All cargo shipped to the port of Cotonou – Benin, should be accompanied by an ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note). Pelican International Services, is an authorized and official agent appointed by BIM e-solutions on behalf of the Shippers Council of Benin for the following countries:
• Syrian Arab Republic
• Djibouti
• Oman
• Lebanon
• Kuwait
• Bahrain
• Jordan
• Saudi Arabia
• United Arab Emirates
• Qatar
Reminder on the measures applied as of the September 1st, 2019
• The shipper or his forwarder must create an ECTN in the port of loading for all cargo discharged in the port of Cotonou, and the ECTN number should be reported on the BL.
• With the exception of floating cargo, all cargo arriving in the port of Cotonou without an ECTN will be denied clearing unless the ECTN is created and validated in good and due form in the port of loading. Absence of ECTN may cause cargo suspension, demurrage or penalties at destination. Make sure an authorized party is guiding you through the entire procedure prior vessel departure.
Some answers to your FAQs:
• Should the ECTN or URN number show on the BL?
- It is the ECTN number that should be mentioned on the BL.
• Does the ECTN number need to be mentioned on both the draft BL and the final BL?
- The ECTN number is available upon the initial creation, so it can be inserted on the BL.
• Can an agent validate an ECTN with a (draft) BL not yet showing the ECTN number?
- No, the ECTN number is available as from its creation, so it can be inserted on the BL.
Pelican International Services team of dedicated professionals are ready to assist and guide you through the entire procedure in a timely manner.
You can reach for us on the following:
+961 1 564 200
Pelican International Services